Returns & Refunds

Damaged or Faulty Items

If you receive any items that are damaged or faulty, please notify us within 7 days of receiving the items by emailing us. We may ask you to email pictures of the damaged parts.

We will advise you if the items need to be returned. If they do, we will email you return labels as per our return process. If the item is deemed damaged or faulty, we will send you a replacement within one business day. If the item is not in stock, we will order it from the manufacturer within one business day.

If a refund is required, a full refund will be issued within one business day of the item being deemed damaged or faulty. Refunds will be applied to the original payment method.

Incorrectly Ordered Items or No Longer Required

If you have ordered an item incorrectly or no longer require the item, please notify us within 7 days of receiving the items by emailing us. Any items to be returned must be in their original packaging and not used. If the item has been used or fitted, Prime Appliance Parts reserves the right to reject the claim.

The parts will need to be returned to us at your cost, and in some cases, a handling fee of 10% of the item value may apply. A refund for the original purchase price will be issued within 7 days of returned parts. Refunds will be applied to the original payment method. Please do not send credit card or bank account details with your return as they are not required to process a refund.

Not as Described Returns

If you receive any items that were not ordered or not as described, please notify us within 7 days of receiving the items by emailing us. We will send you the correct item within one business day. If the item is not in stock, we will order it from the manufacturer within one business day.

If a refund is required, a full refund will be issued within one business day of receipt of the returned item. Refunds will be applied to the original payment method. Please do not send credit card or bank account details with your return as they are not required to process a refund. We will email you return labels as per our return process to return the incorrect item to us.

Please note that any items that have been incorrectly supplied or not as described need to be returned in their original packaging and not used. If the item has been used or fitted, then Prime Appliance Parts reserves the right to reject the claim.

Return Process

If a part needs to be returned as per our above policy, please notify us within 7 days of receiving the items by emailing us. If your request is approved, please repack the item in its original packaging or adequate packaging to ensure the items are not damaged in transit and include a copy of the original invoice.

A return consignment label will be issued via email from Prime Appliance Parts, which is to be attached to the package and lodged at an Australia Post outlet.

For any inquiries about this process, please feel free to call us at:

Phone: 0415 565 357
