0415 565 357
Fy21/111 Lewis Rd, Knoxfield VIC, 3180, Australia

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Thank you for visiting Prime Appliance Parts! If you have any questions, concerns, or inquiries about any of the appliance parts we offer, please don’t hesitate to contact Prime Appliance Parts. Our team is here to assist you with whatever you need, from product information to troubleshooting and more. Simply use the contact form on this page to get in touch with us directly, and we’ll respond as soon as possible. Alternatively, you can reach out using the contact details provided below if you prefer to call or email us. At Prime Appliance Parts, we strive to deliver fast, reliable service to all of our customers in Australia. We’re always happy to help with any part-related questions or issues. Contact Prime Appliance Parts today, and let us assist you with all your appliance part needs!